Little Habits; Big Rewards

This is a series of budget and planning session offered in partnership with the Co-operators, Servus Credit Union and Yellowhead County FCSS.

Session 1: Understanding the Emotions of Money and Budgeting

You will learn how to understand your unique relationship/emotions concerning money and how it affects your ability to achieve goals. You will also learn about budgeting.

Session 2: Building a Habit of Saving

We all know about the importance of savings. In this session, you will learn how to develop saving habits to build up savings, without severely taking away from what you enjoy.

Session 3: Building Your Plan

This session will help support you to develop a personal financial plan. It will give you the confidence to achieve your goals, manage debt and prepare for emergencies. Most importantly, it will help put you in control!

Session 4: Managing Your Plan

In this session, we will review plans, discuss and work to resolve challenges and celebrate successes. We will also go over strategies to maintain and remain consistent with plans.



Basic Bookkeeping (non-computerized)

Little or no formal bookkeeping training? Having trouble understanding your accountant? Learn the basics, including bookkeeping terminology and methodology. The manual bookkeeping process demonstrates what software programs do behind the scene. Build a strong foundation in the fundamentals to prepare for computerized accounting. At the end of this course, you will be able to manually record everyday transactions and create financial statements.

Location:        Lobstick LLS office, Evansburg
Date:              TBD
Time:             TBD
Instructor:      Lisa Molnar
Fee:               $35
If this date and time does not work for you, please contact us (780-727-4077//lobsticklls@gmailcom) to set up your session!

Everyday Math

Come and learn about fractions, decimals, integers, ratios, rates and percent to help you with your daily numeracy tasks. It will be fun we promise!

Please contact us at 780-727-4077 or for more information or to set up a session. There is no charge for this tutoring.

Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC)
This replaces the General Equivalency Diploma (GED)

CAEC preparation classes are available on-line, anytime, through Norquest College. These classes prepare you to write the CAEC exams. We can assess your readiness level, provide practice lessons and tutoring, and help you to prepare for the classes and exams. Please contact us for more information regarding scheduling and fees.

Get that Job!

Are you seeking employment, or wishing to change jobs? We can help you put together an impressive statement of your qualifications and strengths and help to prepare you for a job interview. You will learn good word usage, grammatical strength and detail that will impress a potential employer. The fee is $15/hour. Contact us to set up an appointment. 

Get that Goal!

Did you know that the secret to reaching your goals may hide in the smallest of habits? Have you ever thought about a goal or resolution that you would like to accomplish but you just don’t know where to start? We are here to help! Join us as we learn fun tricks, tips & HABIT HACKS to turn little changes into big results.





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